Thursday, September 2, 2010

MENC Fashion Show

Today was all about Music Education. We rehearsed during the day and then got ready for the Fashion Show later that evening. They divided us into two groups. One group was to model an evening gown of their choice and the other group was to model their state costume. I was thrilled to get #1 for evening gown. I really didn’t want to schlep my costume all the way down to the ballroom and back.

The Fashion Show was relaxing and easy. I was done before I could blink an eye. Sam and I helped Alyssa with her costume. She was one hot momma in her Indian headdress. After the show was over, we went out and mingled with all the guests. Tracy and Frankie had made it into town and were able to attend the show. It was great to have them there!

By the end of the evening, we raised over $21,000 for MENC. They are going to use the funds raised to give to Southern Arizona teachers for different projects that they have applied for. This is really an incredible organization to help teachers out!