Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back to McKinney and Mom's Birthday

I said my last goodbyes as I was checking out of the hotel. John and I loaded all my stuff into the car and drove to the airport. We immediately saw my parents. I gave my mom a big birthday hug!!! They were able to join us for lunch and relax a little bit before our flights. John flew to Houston while my parents, Samantha and her family, Alyssa and her family and I all flew to Dallas. The flight attendant was sweet enough to wish my mom a happy birthday on the PA system. I was sad getting off the plane because I knew I had to say bye to my parents and my sister queens. I HATE saying goodbye to my parents!! I had tears stinging in my eyes as I walked away. The older I get; the more I LOVE my parents!!!

I drove home from the airport to a very empty house. I couldn’t hold still, so I immediately started packing. I was almost completely unpacked before I had to drive back to the airport to pick John up. His flight was running pretty late, so we immediately crawled in bed when we got home. It felt so wonderful to finally exhale and relax! I plan on doing nothing but catching up on emails and sleep for the next two days.