Monday, July 12, 2010

Meara’s Birthday Party

I somehow pushed myself through my two classes today and headed straight home for Meara’s birthday party. She loves to have theme parties. This year she decided to have a workout theme. This definitely helped Uncle John and me out since we were both coming straight from work.

After dinner we went to the back yard to let the games begin. We are a competitive family, so it doesn’t take much for everyone to get involved. We started with the long jump. This was the one event I didn’t even try. With all these men in the family over 6’5”, there was no way anyone stood a chance against John and Stephen. Rebecca kicked butt in the egg race and all my hours of Wii Fit helped me win the hula hoop. The 3-legged race was nothing short of hysterical!!! We finished with the bubble gum race. Meara loves her some gum, so it was the perfect way to finish off the evening.

I can’t believe how big Meara and Mack are getting!!! They are both growing up so fast! This photo was taken the night I won Mrs. Texas :-)