Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas in Orange

We spent the first part of Christmas in Orange with John’s family. John’s mom knew how much I missed my traditional dinners, so she bought me a little baby turkey to cook. I called my brother Matt who has become quite the chef. He walked me through the rub down and how to cook it. 6 hours later it turned out to be the best turkey I have ever eaten!!! It might be first timers luck, but I really hope we can repeat it.

John’s dad had an extremely special surprise for me. They have a baseball mosaic on their bulk head by the water with all of their handprints surrounding it. After talking about it for 3 years, we were finally adding my handprint next to John’s. It was a very symbolic and meant a lot to John and me.

Once the handprint was set in cement, we took some family pictures on the steps. We were in need of a current family picture. With all of us together, it didn’t take long before we were goofing around. John’s dad was still able to capture some really great shots.